Macquarie University
Application: Students need to apply for an exchange with Macquarie International. They can find the application forms via the Macquarie International website (go to www.mq.edu.au) and click on international students on the left. There the students will find information on the forms, and on accommodation etc.
Start: Students are allowed to arrive by 1st/2nd August in Sydney to be able to participate in the Summer school.
ECTS: For European students: 12 Macquarie credit points are equivalent to 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer Scheme), meaning that the average 3 credit point Macquarie subject is equivalent to 7.5 ECTS, a 4cp subject is worth 10 ECTS. Simply, this means that the students only need to take three courses, not four. I recommend for them especially:
- MHPG912: World Historians (I will supervise them doing a research paper of 5000 words)
- MHPG847: Rewriting History (1x 3500 word paper, 1x1500 test (completed in their own time, not a formal exam)
- MHPG811: Sexing Colonialism (1x 3500 word paper, 1x1500 test (completed in their own time, not a formal exam)
Course Selection: Students should choose at least two from modern history and remaining from International Relations.
Here are the units:
- Modern History
- MHPG811 Colonialism, Sex, Gender
- MHPG847 Rewriting History
- MHPG912 World Historians (they have done this unit already. They could, though, if they liked, enrol and write a 5000 word project on world histories with me supervising if that would be of interest)
- MHPG915: Bulletin to Big Brother: The Media in Australia Since 1880
- IRPG842 Politics of International Law
- IRPG844 The Asia-Pacific Region and Australia
- IRPG845 International Institutions
- IRPG855 Globalisation and the North-South Relationship
International Relations