Tuition Fees and Grants
Tuition fee
The consortium charges a common tuition fee of €5,000. See the chapter 'Application' for details on the application procedure. Apart from Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for third country students (see the section regarding Erasmus Mundus on this website).
Grants and their conditions
(Erasmus Mundus and others) Erasmus Mundus grant Under Action 2 of Erasmus Mundus (see Programme) the EU Commission offers scholarships to select highly qualified students scholarship. This scholarship amounts to €21,000 per selected student (i.e. €1,600 per month for a ten-month period plus €5,000 for tuition fees, registration fee, summer courses, language classes, teaching material, etc.). Each academic year, some 26 scholarships for students are available. Several partner universities of the European Master 'Global Studies' consortium offer scholarships. Please visit the websites of the different universities for further information.
The Consortium of the European Master in "Global Studies" is pleased to provide applications from around the world the opportunity to apply for partial or full waivers of tuition. Download the application form [PDF].
The number of waivers is limited (20 waivers - €2,500 per year and 10 - €4,000 per year); however we encourage all applicants to the EM European Master in "Global Studies" to apply using the following guidelines:
Eligibility: These waivers are open to all students who applied for the European Master "Global Studies" and wish to study at the University of Leipzig, the University of Vienna or the University of Wroclaw.
Selection criteria:
- Academic purpose
- Must apply and be accepted for admission
- Waivers will not exceed the amount of tuition. Waivers do not include application fees, books, student fees, board, room or other costs of attendance.
- Partial waivers may be awarded.
- Recipients shall be limited to a maximum of two years as Master students
- Basically the waivers are granted for the entire period of studies. However students must re-apply each year for consideration.
- Complete an Application for Tuition waiver
One copy of the completed applications will be sent by air or surface mail to the Centre for Advanced Studies University of Leipzig RE Erasmus Mundus Global Studies Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1 D-04105 Leipzig Germany. Meeting the application deadline will be established by the date of arrival. If applications are incomplete, prospective candidates will be allowed to hand in missing documents later. All applications are to be in English and in paper. Electronic pre-applications may be sent in to indicate an interest, especially in those cases where surface/air mail systems are operating under difficult conditions. After the deadline, all applications will be checked against the established criteria and assessed. The envisaged date of publication of the final result is 15 July.
Other grants
Please also have a look at the following websites to check if you are eligble for a scholarship of these institutions:
- "DAAD" - www.daad.de/de
- "Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung" - www.fes.de
- "Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung" - www.fnst.de/webcom/show_article.php/_c-449/i.html
- "Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung" - www.hss.de/homepage.shtml
- "Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung" - www.boell.de
- "Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung" - www.kas.de
- "Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung" - www.rosalux.de/cms/index.php?id=stiftung
- "Sokrates-Programm" - www.sokrates-leonardo.de/frameset-sok.htm
- "Fulbright" - www.fulbright.de
- "Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes" - www.studienstiftung.de