Prospective Students
- in Leipzig on comparative analysis of global entanglements, focusing on Eastern Europe, Western Europe, East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Northern Africa and the Middle East, Latin America and Northern America
- in London on the economic and social history and analysis of globalisation
- in Vienna on methods of global history, as well as the cultural and social history and analysis of East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Europe and Latin America
- and in Wrocław on the analysis of transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as on US-European relations, with a special focus on communications and the media.
All modules comprise history, cultural, area studies, social or political based approaches upon historical and contemporary patterns of globalisation and different societal responses, from the 19th century, towards these processes.
First year
Second year
Language policy
The languages of instruction of this Master Course are English and German. Safe for London, where English is the only language of instruction, German and English are used throughout the consortium (in Wrocław mainly German, with an increasing share of English). English will be accepted at all four universities for presentations, assignment and the Master thesis. Knowledge of two modern languages is a precondition for applying for this Master Course. Additional languages courses in the local language of instruction (i.e. German and Polish respectively) are offered at all four partnering institutions of the consortium.
Successful students of the European Master ‘Global Studies' will receive an official degree from the two partner universities where they spent an academic year each. (Double degree) All institutions of the consortium award a Diploma Supplement which details the modules and grading of each seminar.
The Master thesis
The Master thesis - which carries a weight of 20 ECTS - will be written in the second half of the second year of study. In principle, the consortium is aiming at co-supervision arrangements with lecturers who already taught in the first year of the programme at one of the other institutions of the consortium.
The summer school
Each European summer all 1st year students of the current academic year and scholars from the European partner universities are coming together at one of the partner institutions in Europe to discuss topical issues, evaluate the programme and plan for the coming term. The summer school also brings together students and supervisors of Master thesis from different universities. The 2006 summer school was held in Innsbruck in July, 2006.