Dalhousie University
Contact person: Dr. Rebecca Tiessen, Department Chairperson, International Development Studies
Start dates: Fall term classes begin in the first week of September and end in the first week of December Winter term classes begin in the first week of January and end in the first or second week of April. Summer term classes are offered in May, June, July and August. Most of these courses are taught in an intensive manner with 2 week - 4 week sessions. The month of August is our Summer Institute when we offer 3 or 4 courses on special topics taught by visiting professors from around the world.
Applications to participate in a term at Dalhousie University through the International Development Studies Department and/or the Centre for African Studies should be made to:
Dr. Rebecca Tiessen
Department Chairperson International Development Studies
339 Henry Hicks Building
University Halifax
Nova Scotia B3H 4H6
Class load and course options. It is recommended that graduate students take no more than three courses per term. Dalhousie gives three credit hours per course per term. Courses can be taken from the IDS graduate calendar or from approved cross-listed courses in other departments. See the online calendar for up-to-date information about course offerings as well as the website: www.dal.ca/ids for more information about course offerings (the graduate handbook available on the ids website will be of particular value to those planning to attend Dalhousie for graduate studies).
Some courses of interest:
- INTD 5000.03: Advanced Topics in International Development: Development in Practice
- INTD 5001.03: Readings in International Development Studies
- INTD 5002.03: Graduate Seminar in Research Design for Development Studies
- INTD 5003.03: Special Topics in IDS
- INTD 5600.03: Gender and Development
- POLI 5302.03: Comparative Development Administration
- POLI 5340.03: Approaches to Development
- ECON 5252.03: From Disaster Relief to Sustainable Development
- ENVI 5041.03: Environmental Education.
Additional information including summaries of these courses is available in the graduate handbook at: www.dal.ca/ids under graduate programmes, graduate handbook.
Other information: Information about housing and other student matters is provided in the graduate handbook. Once the student has been admitted to the program, an official application will be required to be sent to the university to enable the student to register for courses. Information about registration is also available in the graduate handbook.