University of Vienna
At the University of Vienna there has been for many years a conscious effort to advance global historical themes within the Humanities and Cultural Studies. This found expression with a lecture series called the 'Ringlectures', in which interdisciplinary cooperation as well as international networks were given due attention. These efforts have intensified since 2002 and a "Global History" module has regularly been offered as part of the Magister course in "History/ Social and Economic History". The main focus of attention in relation to the area of "Global History" has, in the organisational as well as the conceptual sense, been influenced by the discipline of History.Yet, from the very beginning, there has been a definite sense of cooperation at the University of Vienna between "Global History" and the well established "Area Studies" such as African, Japanese, Chinese, Oriental, Southern Asian, Tibet and Buddist Studies, as well as with Human Geography. This academic exchange has continually intensified in the last few years and has exhibited itself in the publication series "Edition Weltregionen" and "Edition Weltgeschichte" (World history), in which not only the lecturers from the "Global History" module in Vienna were involved, but also colleagues from the other partnership universities.