| mgr Bartłomiej Ostrowski | |
The non-European partner institutions | Macquarie University | |
| dr Robert Huish | |
| Judas Everett | |
| George Tarkhan-Mouravi | |
| dr Monika Paradowska | |
| Tomasz Gondek | |
| prof. dr Rovshan Ibrahimov | |
| prof. dr hab. Ryszard Herbut | |
| prof. dr hab. Patrycja Matusz | |
| History of Cold War in Europe 1946-1990. Clash of superpowers and ideologies | |
Living in Wrocław | Wroclaw today | |
| Geopolitical Analysis of Contemporary World | |
| First World War 1914-1918 | |
Erasmus Mundus Programme | Application | |
| Hybrid and Transnational Threats in Euroatlantic and IndoPacific regions | |
| Polish Language Course | |
| dr Joanna Dyduch | |
| prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wójtowicz | |
| Beata Malecka-Jarzebowska | |