Internet Media Analytics and Research
Students should have a basic knowledge of communication science and international media systems.
- Creating Teams group; aims of the classes, discussion how to find information;
- Research institutions in Poland and abroad; Typology of media research (quantitative and qualitative); typology of media data; Data of press market – who and how create the data? What kind of research are needed to gather the data? Where data are publish? (readership, press circulation; data of radio market, data of tv market, data of internet market – most popular websites; amount of internet users); institutions publishing the data, how to save data (sources) from internet: google scholar, Mendeley, pocket application
Mendeley in practice; creating of database
Access to data (news); Process of articles selection and archivization; platform “mediacloud.org”
Access to data (news); Process of articles selection and archivization - gdelt television explorer; Proquest database (University of Wroclaw)
Review of the analytical tools – workshop: google trends, trends24.in, twiplomacy
Review of the analytical tools – workshop: twittonomy, followthehashtag, brand24,
Review of the analytical tools – workshop: Netvizz in practice
A brainstorm: schedule of common research - content analysis: first version of a code book, a database of texts
Common research: content analysis; coding process
Common research: data mining
Final data mining
Modern presentation in practice: canva, sway (workshop)
The course focuses on practical approaches to improving professional capabilities to develop and implement successful solutions for analytics of global media. Students will test new analytical tools for the Internet, and social media and dedicated software Students will do a classical content analysis of global media. Strategies for building academic research will be discussed. The aim of the workshop is using empirical findings, methodological papers, and theoretical and conceptual insights related to data mining in the field of various application areas. Students will be work in a team and under a press of the time.
Active participation in the classes is expected: taking part in every step of workshops, especially in the team's research project; every student has to test analytical tools, collect and code data to his/her part of the research and write an own final analysis (report). A volume of the story will depend on the topic and period of the study.
1. Wimmer, R., Dominick, J. (2010). Mass Media Research: An Introduction, Wadsworth Publishing
2. Riffe, D., Lact, S., Fico, F. (2005), Analyzing Media Messages. Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research, New Jersey: LEA.
3. Rieder, B. (2013). Studying Facebook via data extraction: the Netvizz application. In WebSci '13 Proceedings of the 5th Annual ACM Web Science Conference (pp. 346-355). New York: ACM.
4. Lutu, P. (2016), Data analytics to support social media marketing: challenges and opportunities, http://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1022&context=confirm...
5. Aggarwal, C.C. (2011) Social Network Data Analytics, Kluwer Academic Publishers