| Women in Politics | |
| Development Economics | |
| PhD Gladys Mokhawa | |
| Contemporary Political Thought | |
| dr Piotr Nowak | |
| prof. Andrzej Polus | |
| Claudia Baumann | |
| prof. dr Jaroslav Ušiak | |
The non-European partner institutions | Dalhousie University | |
| Introduction to International Migration and Immigrant Integration | |
| Project Management in a Nutshell | |
| Local Government Diplomacy | |
| Modern History of Poland | |
| mgr Paulina Waleszczak | |
| prof. Magdalena Ratajczak | |
| Secret Services and International Relations | |
| Strategic Culture. Comparative Studies | |
Living in Wrocław | Postwar history of Wroclaw | |
| dr Houman Sadri | |
| mgr Richard Girling | |