Classes of prof. Kapferer - room changes


all classes of prof. Kapferer each Thursday will be held in room 105 (not in room 108).



MA - Schedule for summer semester 2011/2012

Dear Students,

in attachement to this e-mail you can find the full schedule of allthe classes with the room numbers. All the classes will take place in the building of the Institute of International Studies of the Univeristy of Wroclaw, ul. Koszarowa 3/21.

Start of the summer semester of academic year 2011/2012

Dear Students,

A few information for you before the start of the summer semester of academic year 2011/2012.

- the classes start on Monday 6th of February 2012, the last day of classes is the 27th of May.


Schedule for summer semester (see attachments)

Dr. Jaroslaw Kotas's courses


due to illness, classes and consultations of Dr. Jaroslaw Kotas on 11 to 16 January are revoked. 

Preparatory Polish Language Course

The Preparatory Polish Language Course in summer semester is scheduled for 16.01.2012 - 27.01.2012. It is certainly for free.

The School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners opened the on-line registration for the Preparatory course of Polish. If you want to take part in, please visit their website

sign up for it and send the message to the School:

You could please also inform us about your attendance in this course.

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