Start of the summer semester of academic year 2011/2012
Dear Students,
A few information for you before the start of the summer semester of academic year 2011/2012.
- the classes start on Monday 6th of February 2012, the last day of classes is the 27th of May.
- please mind the each of the courses can start only is there will be at least 8 students registered on Sunday 19th of February. This is also the last day, when you are allowed to change your courses online - in the evening that day the system will be closed. In the case that any of the courses would not start, those who registered on it will have to choose some other course instead. This does not relates only to the workshops for 2 ECTS (there is no minimum number of students on the workshops).
- Communication in the Age of Globalisation - prof. B. Ociepka: There will be no class on 29th of February: instead we meet on 10th of February, Friday, at 11.00, in the computer room (240).
- all the classes of prof. N. Kapferer will start on 15th of February because of his archive-research in Marbach and Heidelberg.
All the classes with the room numbers. All the classes will take place in the building of the Institute of International Studies of the Univeristy of Wroclaw, ul. Koszarowa 3/21