News and Events
- 2015/02/27 - 14:44
The meeting with the UWr. students, who are qualified for Erasmus exchange programme in the academic year 2015/2016 will take place on the 5th March (Thursday) at 13:15 in room 205D (2nd floor, building "D" Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii, ul. Uniwersytecka 7-10) ATTENDANCE IS COMPULSORY!
- 2015/02/27 - 11:28
Dear Students,
On Thursday 05.03.2015 the Institute of International Studies invites to the lecture of dr. Kamil Abt (Bond University, Australia): Human Security – an empty signifier oruseful concept for Europe? Lecture takes place in room 201 at 10.30.
More details in attachement.
- 2015/02/24 - 14:34
We would like to inform you that the orientation's day of summer semester 2014/2015 in our Library will be held on Wednesday, 11th March 2015, at 8.15 a.m. (in the reading room in the Library of the Faculty of Social Sciences, 2nd floor, building next to the Dean's Office).During this meeting you will be provided with very useful information about sources of our Library and in particular about the access to the electronic database.
- 2015/02/22 - 13:35
You can check room numbers for your courses on your course selection panel.
Also, there are a few changes in the schedule:
1. The workshop "Modern Conflicts in Eastern Europe: Legal Perspective" will take place from March 29 to April 12.
2. Countries of the Middle East and South Asia in International Relations has been moved to Tuesday, 15.45-17.15.
- 2015/02/10 - 20:49
You can now sign up for courses for the summer semester.
For any technical issues, please contact dr Rafał Próchniak (burlap@gmail.com). For ECTS, master seminar and other quetions, please contact your program coordinator.
- 2015/01/14 - 10:50
Please note, that the International Office is updating its website and the current version will be retired soon. You can still fill out your forms in the current version, but expect some glitches along the way. Also note, that registration for the academic year 2015/2016 is not open yet. Contact the International Office for details (https://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/welcome-rector/contact-0).
To apply for the Erasmus+ mobility:
- 2014/12/15 - 14:59
Dear Students, By the decision of the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences/Univerisity of Wroclaw, on Monday December 22 all the classes scheduled after 12:00 are cancelled to allow students safely arrive home for Christmas. Please remember that on Tuesday, December 23 there are no the classes at all, according to the academic calendar (https://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/study-english/academic-calendar). Best regards, Jaroslaw Jarzabek