Thesis registration procedure
Please set the deadline for the Thesis defense with your teacher seminar. You can determine with your teacher the proper term for you.
Thesis registration procedure
Not later than 14 days before the defense you must submit to the Dean’s Office:
- Three copies of your master thesis, including:
- to the archive: a copy printed on both sides, type number 12, framed in a soft white uncoated cardboard binding, mandatory with purple back (no metal parts in the back)
- one copy to the promoter and one copy to the reviewer, bound or hardcover
- one copy in electronic version on CD (the CD in a white envelope, signed your name) in two formats:
a) DOC - for archival purposes
b) TXT - for plagiarism system
- The title page of work in English and in Polish (also in bulk)
- 5 black & white photographs of dimension 4.5 x 6.5 cm (including a picture for the Diploma in English)
- Certificate of achievement and documents evidencing academic achievements during the study: (domestic and foreign scholarships, publications, participation in scientific circles, the organization of scientific conferences, sport achievements, etc.)
Please remember that the condition for accession to the defense is to credit for all semesters and submission of the index and the examination card before the scheduled thesis defense.
Upon receipt of a diploma the student must return an index card obligations and ID student card!
In order to register your thesis, you have to attach:
- Thesis declaration form
- Statement of copyright of Master’s thesis
- Declaration on the permission to access the thesis
You can find the relevant documents (link below):
- Thesis declaration form (doc)
- Statement of copyright of Master’s thesis (doc)
- Declaration on the permission to access the thesis (doc)