prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Stadtmuller
Political aspects of international relations focused on global problems and security, globalisation, regional cooperation and governance, democratisation and democracy in international relations. The EU and its role in the contemporary global and regional processes. European integration and sub-regional co-operation, especially its role in processes of transformation in the CEE, Eastern enlargement, the ENP. Foreign policy of the CEE countries. Polish foreign policy towards NATO, the EU and neighbourhood.
As above.
Publications (in total - ca 80, including 9 books, 10 edited books, 47 articles, 3 textbooks, and others).
Lasts books:
Farewell distrust? Enlargement of NATO and the EU and Polish-Russian Relations in the security context, Wroclaw 2003, pp.242 (in Polish);
Dictionary of the EU (ed. and co-author), Wyd. Europa, Wroclaw 2003, pp.443 (in Polish);
Europe on the Move. The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on the EU (co-ed. with T. Lane) LIT Verlag, Muenster, Hamburg, London 2005, pp.206;
Europe - The Promised Land? Experiences of European Countries in integration of Immigrants, (co-ed. with P. Matusz-Protasiewicz), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2007, pp.202 (in Polish)
Regionalisation In international relations - political and economic aspects (co-ed. with K.Jędrzejczyk-Kuliniak, L.Kwieciński, B.Michalski), Toruń 2008, pp.709 (in Polish).
Among last articles:
Towards regional governance of the EU through "Eastern policy in: Reflecting on a Wider Europe and beyond: norms, rights, and interests, Konstantin Khudoley and Thomas J. Volgy (eds), St. Petersburg State University Press 2007, pp. 212 - 228.
Regionalisation and regionalizm as research area in international relations, in: Regionalisation In international relations - political and economic aspects (co-ed. with K.Jędrzejczyk-Kuliniak, L.Kwieciński, B.Michalski), Marszałek: Toruń 2008, pp. 21-38 (in Polish).
Federal Ideas of Europe In Contemporary Polish Discourse, in: T.Lane, M.Wolański (eds), Poland and European Unity: Ideas and Reality, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego: Wrocław 2007, pp.197-238;
The European Union and regional governance. Eastern dimension, Przegląd Zachodni, 2005, no 4, pp. 3-31 (in Polish);
The EU's Future and Democracy in the Context of Enlargement, in: T.Lane, E.Stadtmuller (eds.), Europe on the Move. The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on the EU, LIT Verlag, Muenster, Hamburg, London 2005, s. 15-34;
Die Deutschen und die europäische Integration in der Sicht der polnischen Politik und Öffentlichkeit, in: A.Wolff-Powęska, D.Bingen (hrsg.), Nachbarn auf Distanz. Polen und Deutche 1998-2004, Otto Harrassowitz,Wiesbaden 2005, pp.59-94;
Regional Dimensions of Security, in: M. Farrell, B.Hettne, L.Van Langenhove (eds), Global Politics of Regionalism. Theory and Practice, Pluto Press, London 2005, pp.104-119.
Regional Stabilisation and Security: The European Union as a Model, in: S.Wojciechowski (ed.) Współczesna Europa, WSNHiD, Poznań 2004, s. 73-101.