Women in Politics

General Information
dr Anna Cichecka
Number of Hours: 
Tuesday 9:45 - 11:15
Preliminary requirements: 

General knowledge on the international political and economic relations

Course Description: 
  1. Introduction to the course

    Introduction to approaches, methods and debates.

  2. Feminist Theory in International Relations

    Focuses on a particular theme, school, or theorist within the tradition of feminist theory in IR.

  3. Theories of political representation

    Discussing theories of political representation: formalistic, descriptive, substantive and symbolic representation.

  4. Women and Political Leadership

    Examines the history, background, recruitment, and performance of women in leadership positions. Analyzes women leaders' relationship to power and their impact on public policy and public institutions.

  5. Politics, Development, and Women

    Examines political, social and cultural impact of developmental processes on women. Reviews theories of development with particular emphasis on feminist critiques.

  6. Women and Armed Conflicts

    Examines the role of women in the armed conflicts and during the peace processes.

  7. The role of Women's Movements in advancing democracy

    The development and impact of women's movements; analysis of the conditions and implications of women's participation in movements such as nationalist, labor, and independent women's movements.

  8. Liberia’s road to peace and democracy

    Examines the case study of women and political leadership in Liberia.

  9. Assessing gender quotas

    Examines what gender quotas are, what are the normative arguments for and against them, what leads countries to adopt them and how are they implemented, across different political contexts.

  10. Do women legislators make a difference?

    Discussing what is the evidence that women make a difference when elected to the legislature, appointed to cabinet, or acting in other policy or decision-making roles.

  11. Case study/presentation

  12. Case study/presentation

  13. Case study/presentation

  14. Case study/presentation

  15. Final debate

Aims of the course: 

The main objective of the course is to critically discuss the phenomenon of women in politics. Program focuses on the approaches, concepts, and methods of women's and gender studies as they apply to the study of politics. Through courses students are challenged to consider the ways in which the theoretical prism of gender allows us to rethink traditional analyses of governing institutions, political processes, and theories of politics, thereby enriching the discipline of political science itself

Teaching methods: 

- monitoring attendance and progress on the course subject matter, - assessed paper (final),
- semester paper (individual or group),
- presentation (individual or group),

- preparing and implementing a project (individual or group), - writing a class report,
- exam (written or oral).

Evaluation & Completion: 

- oral or written examination,
- final social work,
- semester paper (individual or group),
- oral presentation (individual or group),
- preparation and implementation of a project (individual or group),

Basic Literature: 

Bashevkin, Sylvia (2019). “Exploring Women’s Leadership.” Ch. 1 in Doing Politics Differently? Women Premiers in Canada’s Provinces and Territories. Vancouver: UBC Press, pp. 3-32.

Bird, Karen. (2002). “Does Parity Work? Results from French Elections.” Feminist Studies 28(3), pp 691-8.

Dahlerup, Drude, and Lenita Freidenvall. (2005). “Quotas as a ‘fast track’ to equal representation for women.” International Feminist Journal of Politics, 7(1), pp. 26-48.

Franceschet, Susan, Claire Annesley & Karen Beckwith (2017). “What do women symbolize? Symbolic representation and cabinet appointments.” Politics, Groups, and Identities, 5(3), pp. 488-493.

Garnett, Tanya Ansahta (2016). “Ellen Is Our Man.” International Feminist Journal of Politics, 18(1), pp. 99-118.

Pitkin, Hanna F. (1967). The Concept of Representation. University of California Press. Introduction (pp. 1-13) and ch. 4 (pp. 60-91).

Tripp, A. Marie, Gender, Political Participation and the Transformation of Associational Life in Uganda and Tanzania, African Studies Review, Vol. 37(1), 1994, pp 107–131.

Waylen, Georgina (2004). “Gender and Transitions: What Do We Know? Democratization, 10(1), pp. 157-178.