Master Seminar

General Information
Number of Hours: 
Monday 15:45 - 17:15
Preliminary requirements: 

Basic knowledge of microeconomics and macroeconomics as well as international economic relations, international finance, economic policy and development eocomics

Course Description: 

1. Methodology of social and economic sciences – a continuation

2. Individual selection of research methods for the Master thesis

3. Individual consultations for student’s master thesis

Aims of the course: 

W1. Student knows main methods and research tools in the area of social sciences and international economic relations,


W2. Student indentifies main problem occurring in the global economy


W3. Student knows relations and interactions between different methods of international relations and social sciences research


W4. Student possesses knowledge concerning systemic character of social and economic processes and their mutual connections


W5. Student possesses knowledge concerning different analytical methods, including prognostic methods

U1. Student is able to analyze different isuues of international economic relations


U2. Student is able to implement theoretical knowledge to analyze economic and social processes with correlations to international relations


U3. Student is capable to analyze crucial international processes implementing different research methods and tools


U4. Student is capable to prepare oral and written speeches in the area of international economic relations and international business

K1. Student is able to present communicatively selected issues of international economic relations and the global economy


K2. Student understands the Reed to constantly extend knowledge and excel professional competences in the area of social sciences


K3. Student is able to plan and execute complex research tasks

Teaching methods: 

Lectures with multimedia presentation, works shops, case study analyses, research project presentations, text analysis and discussion

Evaluation & Completion: 

A draft of the second part of the Master Thesis (100%)

Basic Literature: 

O'Leary Z., The Essential Guide to Doing your research project, Sage Publications, London 2010

Landman Todd, Issues and methods in comparative politics: an introduction, London, Routledge, , New York : 2008.

Brakman, S., Garretsen H., Marrewijk Ch., 2006. Nations and firms in the global economy, an introduction to international economics and business, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York


Particular books will be recommended with correlation to individual areas of MT



Box-Steffensmeier Janet M., Henry E. Brady and David Collier (eds.), The Oxford handbook of political methodology, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2008.

Krugman, P., Obstfeld, M., 2006. International Economics: theory and policy, Pearson International Edition.

Marsh D., Stoker G. (eds), Theory and Methods in Political Science, Palgrave, London 2002


Particular books will be recommended with correlation to individual areas of the MT