Introduction to International Migration and Immigrant Integration
There are no preliminary requirements because this course (lecture+seminar) is an introduction to the complex and multilevel analysis of international migration. Students should be fluent in English to be able to read theoretical texts for the course.
During the course students are going to learn about the causes and consequences of international migration and the specific situation in CEE countries (emigration from this region, transit migration and immigration to this particular area). The first part of the course is designed to learn about different theories in migration reaserch and the second part of the course is more about the mirgation policies in the CEE region.
1. Economic theories of international migration
2. Micro, macro, meso level of analysis
3. Transnationalism and migration
4. Citizenship and the immigrant’s rights
1. Assisting students by preparing research proposal
1. European immigration policy
2. Conceptualization of immigrant integration
3. Minority as a sociological concept, social organization of cultural differences
4. Rasism, gettoization and exclusion in Europe
5. Identity and inter-group relations in receiving countries
1. Preparing research proposal in the field of migration (research methods, tools, theories) and preparing an analysis of case study
Student is able to explain main migration theories
Student is able to explain the causes and consequences of international migration
Student understand the main component of migration policy
Student is able to explain main challenges of integration policies in receiving countries
Student understand the complexity of international migration process
Student is able to analyze the process of international migration on different levels
Student is prepare to develop their own opinion about main challenges in managing migration
Student is able to analyze process of immigrant’s integration in different areas of life
Student is able to understand the main theories of international migration with relevant definitions
Student is able to work in group while preparing case studies from migration field
Student is able to develop his/her own opinion about resent events in migration policy making
During the lecture teacher will present main definitions, theories and trends in migration research. Lectures are prepared as a theoretical introduction for the further discussions during seminar. Teacher will encourage students for comments and discussions during lectures.
During seminar students should be prepare to discuss subject on the basis of proposed text. As a part of the seminar students will be preparing analysis of case study (in 1-2group). A part of the seminar will be devoted to development of research project proposal in the field of migration. Details will be discuss during first meeting.
Attendance: 1 unexcused absence is allowable; more than 1 means -10 points. It is possible to work off one absence. It is not allowed to have more than 3 absences.
Activity during seminars, assessed at every meeting (1-5 points a class). Active discussion during seminar based on proposed literature.
Preparation of case study and presentation during the seminar (30-40 points).
Research proposal: 30-60 point. As a result of lecture and seminar student should be able to prepare a research proposal in the field of migration.
G. Zincone, R. Penninx, M. Borkert, Migration Policymaking in Europe. The Dynamics of Actors and Contexts in Past and Presnts, Amsterdam University Press 2011
S. Castels, M.J. Miller, The age of migration, International Population Movements in the Modern World, PalgraveMacMillan 2003
Ch. Westin, J. Bastos, J. Dahinden, P. Gois, Identity Processes and Dynamics in Multi-Ethnic Europe, Amsterdam University Press 2010
M. Martiniello, J. Rath, Selected Studies in International Migration and Immigrant Incorporation, Amsterdam University Press 2010
P. Scholten, Framing Immigrant Integration. Dutch research –policy dialogue in comparative perspective, Amsterdam University Press 2011
T. Caponio, M. Borkert (ed.), The local dimension of migration policy making, Amsterdam University Press 2010
F. Duvell (ed.), Illegal immigration in Europe. Beyond control?, PalgraveMacMillan 2006