Introduction to Global Studies
There are no specific preliminary requirements for students who are willing to attend this course, since this very course is an introductory one. However the general knowledge about current political, economical and social developments and the 20th century world’s history is highly recommended.
- Defining globalisation
- Dimension of global studies
- Changing position of state
- Global governance
- Global problems
- Idea of global civil society
- Anti-globalisation and alter-globalisation
- Globalization and regionalization
- Selected case studies
Student has basic knowledge in the area of international relations and knows how to locate them in the field of other areas of social and political science
Student has basic knowledge about state as an actor of international relations, inter-state and international relations, including political and economic problems of the world
Student can apply basic theoretical knowledge to analysis of specific processes or phenomena (cultural, political, legal and economic ones) that occur within contemporary international relations
Student can make judgements on issues of important political and economic matters of the contemporary world
The ultimate goal of the curse is to disseminate knowledge about various analytical approaches towards globalisation. This very aim will be achieved through the combination of four teaching methods listed below:
- prsentation;
- individual consultations;
-grup work.
Attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to keep up with proposed readings, and since the format of the class is a seminar, come to class ready for discussion. Students will be evaluated after each class on the basis of their participation in discussion.
Students will be also asked to prepare and present case studies of various phenomenon and processes devoted to the globalization processes.
The final evaluation will be based on students attendance and contribution to the debates. In case of the lack of substantial contribution, student will be asked to fill the multiple choice test. The test is passed when student reaches the result of 51% of correct answers.
Baylis J., Smith S., The Globalization of World Politics. An introduction to international relations, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2006.
Beach D., Analyzing Foreign Policy, Palgrave, New York 2012.
Colăs A., International Civil Society, Oxford 2002.
Critical Theories, International Relations and ‘the Anti-Globalisation Movement’. The Politics of Global Resistance, ed. C. Eschle, B. Maiguashca, Routledge, New York 2005.
Global Governance in the Twenty –First Century, ed. J.N. Clarke, G.R. Edwards, New York 2004.
Globalization. The Key Concepts, ed. A. Mooney, B. Evans, Routledge, London and New York 2007.
Keohane R.O., Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World, Routledge, London 2002.
P.J. Campbell, A. MacKinnon, Ch.R. Stevens, An Introduction to Global Studies, Wiely-Blacwell, Chichester 2010.
Rosenau J.N., Along the domestic – foreign Frontier. Exploring governance in a turbulent world, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1997.
Contending Perspectives on Global Governance. Coherence, contestation and world order, ed. A.D. Ba, M.J. Hoffmann, Routledge, London and New York 2005.
Neck L., The New Foreign Policy. Power Seeking in a Globalized Era, Rowman & Littlefield, Plymouth 2008.
Power in global governance, ed. M. Barnett, R. Duval, Cambridge 2005.
Wight C., Agents, Structures and International Relations. Politics as Ontology, Cambridge 2006.