Introduction to Contemporary Diplomacy
Basic knowledge in theory of international relations. English skills enabling effective reading and verbal communications.
Diplomacy within theoretical framework of International Relations.
Diplomacy and foreign policy.
Changing nature of diplomacy.
Tasks of diplomacy
Methods and tools of contemporary diplomacy
Student will critically assess complicated issues and debates concerning foreign policy and diplomacy of individual states. Student will develop an analytical capacities to critically evaluate the utility of diplomacy and diplomatic methods in the contemporary world.
W1. Student will be familiar with the evolution of diplomatic theory and principles.
W2. Student will be able to characterizes facts, determinants and mechanisms of historical evolution of diplomacy.
W3. Student will acquire a general knowledge of functions of diplomacy and the role of diplomats.
W4. Student will be able to analyse to an advanced level the complex and changing roles of governments, transnational actors, intergovernmental organizations, international non-governmental organizations, in the context of contemporary foreign policy and diplomacy;
U1.Student understands the theoretical framework of international diplomacy.
U2. Student will be able to identify the principles of negotiation and reporting and describe how these roles serve the interests of the state.
U3. Student knows the relationship between diplomacy and foreign policy, between diplomats and other international actors, such as the armed forces and intelligence agencies.
U4. Student incorporates, analyses and articulates complex political ideas.
K1. Student can make judgements on issues of important political and economic matters of the contemporary world.
K.2Student can assess political behaviour by applying scientific knowledge and demonstrates realistic and critical stance.
K3. Student is aware of consequences that decisions, made either individually or by groups (diplomats or government), have on international position of state.
Tutorial/seminar, case studies, multimedia presentations.
Active Class Participation – 20%. Students are required to do the home reading and actively participate in class discussions. Active class participation and discussion are essential ingredients for this class. Students should prepare themselves for each session by reading the required texts.
Oral Presentations . Each student will make two, fifteen-minute power point presentations to the class on an aspect of diplomacy evaluation. Each presentation, to be judged on the depth of research and the organization and clarity of the information presented, will be worth 40% of the final grade.
Cooper, A. F., Heine, J., and Thakur, R. (eds.):The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013)
Barston, R.P., Modern Diplomacy, (London: Pearson/Longman, 2006, 4th edition).
Roberts I., Satow's Diplomatic Practice, (Oxford: Oxford University Press; 6th edition).
Brzezinski Z. and Brent Scowcroft America and the World, (New York,Basic Books 2008)
Cooper, A. F., Heine, J., and Thakur, R. (eds.):The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013)
Duke, S. Preparing for European Diplomacy? JCMS 2002 Volume 40. Number 5. pp. 849–70
Headley, J., Reitzig, A., Burton, J. Public Participation in Foreign Policy, (London: Palgrave 2012).
Hill, Ch., What is to be done? Foreign policy as a site for political action, International Affairs 79, 2 (2003) 233-255.
Kissinger H., Diplomacy. (New York: Simon and Schuster 1994)