International Social Policy
Knowledge of the most important problems of economic policy, demographic and cultural issues, the role of state and political systems, international policy
The origin, evolution and definitions of the social policy and the differences between social policy and social politics
The goals, directions, conditions, research methods, styles, instruments, models, fields, values and principles of the social policy
International social policy in the context of sustainable development in the European Union
The problem of unemployment
The problem of poverty
Demographical problems and family policy
The problem of drug addiction and social pathologies
The final completion
W1. Student classifies backgrounds, theories, conditions, instruments and determinants of social policy and social politics W2. Student defines objectives, principles, directions, values, sectors, styles, models and areas of social policy W3. Student explains the assumptions and strategic challenges of international and national social policy W4. Student interprets specifically social issues and problems in the area of international political, economic, social and cultural relations W5. Student recognizes the need for practical solutions in the field of active social policy at the regional level, nation level and at the international level |
U1. Student is able to analyse the most important current processes and occurrences in the social policy at the national and international level U2. Student interprets the meaning of social problems in relation to the processes taking place at the political and economic system U3. Student responds objectively and critically to the directions and challenges of social policy and politics at the national and international level U4. Student notes the possibility of appearance a new type of social risks and the deepening of already existing on the basis of diagnosis the particular state of implementation of social policy at the local, national and international level. |
K1. Student understands the importance of social issues on the political, cultural and economic field. K2. Student working individually and in a team builds an argumentation related to the introduction of comprehensive solutions in the field of social policy at the local, national and international level. K3. Student has an awareness of the citizen’s activity in shaping of social politics and policy K4. Student interprets the definitions, theories, models and styles of the social policy in the context of practical approach to the social national and international issues. K5. Student understands the dilemmas associated with the processes of institutionalization and the state's role in identifying, preventing and solving the most important social issues at the local, regional, national and transnational level |
Seminar, text analysis, discussion, case studies, work in groups and individual, presentation, videos
Passing of a written test consisting of 15 question: 15 points, preparation the presentation: 10 points.
The maximum number of points: 25
Minimum threshold for credit: 13 points
Extra points for the attendance and active participation in the discussion
Berger, P. L. (1996). To empower people: from state to civil society. (2nded.). Washington D.C.: American Enterprise Institute,
Gilbert, N., Specht, H. & Terrell, P. (2004). Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy. (6th edition). Allyn & Bacon Publications,
Booth, A., Crouter, A.C. & Landale, N. (Eds.). (1997). Immigration and the family: Research and policy on U.S. immigrants. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Cammisa, A. M. (1998). From rhetoric to reform? Welfare reform In America. Co: Westview,
Karger, H. & Midgley, J. (2006). Controversial Issues in Social Policy. Needham Hts., Mass.: Allyn and Bacon Publishing,
Katz, M. B. (1997). Improving poor people: the welfare state, the “underclass,” and urban
schools as history. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Lowe, G. R. (1999). Professionalization of Poverty: Social Work and the Poor in the 20Th Century. Aldine De Gruyter,
Reeser, L. (1991). Professionalization, striving, and social work activism. Journal of Social Service Review,
Richan, W. (2006). Lobbying for Social Change. 3rd edition. New York: The Haworth Press,
Hoefer, R. (2005). Cutting Edge Social Policy Research. New York: Haworth,
Cock, J. & Bernstein, A. (2002). Melting Pots and Rainbow Nations. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.