Intergovernmental Organization
Basic knowledge of the contemporary history, world politics, geography, international law, and changes in global politics.
- Conceptual issues, theory and history in international cooperation
- Classification of IGOs organizations
- Role and function of intergovernmental organizations in globalization
- Universal organization. The United Nations system: structures, processes, functions
- EU and subregional European organizations, NATO, Regional organizations: Africa (UA), MENA (League of Arab States), America (OAS), Asia (ASEAN)
- Subregional actors: ECOWAS & SADC, APEC, OPEC, NAFTA
- Collective security: UN Security Council, NATO and European Security
- Civil society and nongovernmental organizations vs. IGO’s
- Final discussion and evaluation
This course will introduce students to key concepts and theories of intergovernmental organizations and their dynamics in international relations and world politics. The main goal it to introduce students to the contemporary state of affairs in the field of international relations and regional integration and the main areas of activities of intergovernmental organization. This course focuses on formal treaties and informal rules, norms, and strategies of organizations that shape world politics. Students will provide general understanding of the major intergovernmental organizations, with particular emphasis on the analysis of its powers and areas of operation.
Lecture with presentation, seminar, discussion, seminar, text analysis, work in groups, case studies, presentation, simulation game
Preparation of presentation, writing of an essay. Active participation in the discussion. Oral exam.
- C.F. Amarasinghe, Principles of the institutional law of international organizations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.
- C. Archer, International organizations, Routledge, London and New York, 2001.
- International organizations and implementation. Enforcers, managers, authorities? J. Joachim, B. Reinalda and B. Verbeek (eds.), Routledge, London and New York, 2008.
- J. Baylis and S. Smith, The globalization of world politics, Oxford University Press, New York, 2001.
- M. Barnett and M. Finnemort, Rules for the world. International organizations in global politics, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London 2004.
- J. E Oestreich, Power and principle. Human rights programming in international organizations, Georgetown University Press, Washington, 2007.
- K. A. Mingst and M.P. Karns, The United Nations in the 21st century, Westview Press, Colorado 2012
- The EU presence in international organizations, S. Blavoukos and D. Bourantonis (eds.), Routledge, London and New York, 2011.
- M. Cogen, An introduction to European intergovernmental organizations, Ashgate, Surrey, 2015.
- Regional conflict management, P.F. Deihl and J. Lepgold (eds.), Rowman&Littefield Publishers, Oxford, 2003.
- Networking the international system. Global histories of international organizations, M. Herren (eds.), Springer, London 2014.
- The regional organizations of the Asia-Pacific. Exploring institutional change, M. Wesley (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2003.
- Economic globalization, international organizations and crisis management, R. Tilly,P. J.J. Welfens (eds.), Springer, Berlin 2000.
- Delegation and agency in international organizations, D. G. Hawkins, D. A. Lake, D., L. Nielson, and M.J. Tierney, Cambridge Univeristy Press, New York 2006.