Innovation Clusters
Understanding the basics of economy and company internationalization.
1. Understanding what is a cluster.
2. Understanding company cooperation, reasons why companies cooperate in clusters.
3. Local and global value chains in a cluster.
4. Cluster evolution and life cycle.
5. The evolution of relations and cooperation networks within a cluster.
6. The diffusion of innovation in clusters.
7. Case studies of clusters around the world.
8. Final verification.
The student is familiar with the most important changes in the global model of doing business.
The student understands the sources of growth of companies, sectors and regions especially those that are perceived as strategic by the developed nations.
The student understands the relationship between changes in the global model of doing business and sources of growth of regions and companies.
The student understands micro-scale phenomena and processes that lead to company growth.
The student understands the life-cycle of a cluster as well as phenomena and processes that lead to the creation and development of a cluster.
The student understands how and why companies in a cluster cooperate.
The student understands the diffusion of innovation in a cluster.
The student can succesfully transfer the knowledge of micro-scale problems into the understanding and interpretation of macro-changes in the economy.
The student can apply the knowledge of ongoing economical phenomena into everyday business scenarios and problemsolving.
The student can identfy relations within a cluster and analyze their quality and complexity.
The student characterizes the cluster environment and identifies the level of cluster growth.
The student can localize and justify places of fastest growth of specific sectors around the world.
The student is aware of the complexity of social, cultural and economic relations that exist within a cluster environment.
The student can cooperate in a group in order to determine the most important growht factors of a cluster as a social, economical and cultural system.
The student can critically verify the state of his/her knowledge and constantly improve it.
The student can propose solutions that raise the competitiveness of a region and intensify economic activity within it.
Tutorial, discussion, case study, multimedia presentation.
Zaliczenie ustne (two subjects: one chosen by the student, one by the teacher), participation and discussion during class, short (15-20 minute) presentation on a cluster in the world.
Perez C., Technological revolutions and financial capital, The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2002.
Hagel J., Seely Brown J., The Only Sustainable Edge: Why Business Strategy Depends On Productive Friction And Dynamic Specialization, Harvard Business School Press, May, 2005
Porter M., On Competition, Updated and Expanded Edition, Harvard Business School Publishing, 2008.
Articles available at JSTOR: determined each time by the teacher
World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report: http://reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-report-2012-2013/
Polish Innovation Portal: http://www.pi.gov.pl/eng/chapter_86127.asp
Deloitte Report on Longterm Changes: Big Shift Index http://www.edgeperspectives.com/ShiftIndex2010.pdf.
Senge P., The fifth discipline. The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization, Doubleday Business, 1994.
Swann G. M. P., Prevezer M., Introduction into The Dynamics of Industrial Clustering, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998.
Blois K. J., Vertical quasi-integration, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 20, Nr 3, 1972, s. 253-272.
Chandler A. D., Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the American Industrial Enterprise, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998.
Chopra S., Meindl P., Supply Chain Management, Strategic Planning and Operation, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004.
Colombo M., The Changing Boundaries of The Firm. Explaining Evolving Inter-Firm Relations, Routledge, London-New york, 1998.