Ideas and Concepts of Integration in Europe
Basic knowledge of the modern history of Europe is recommended.
Monday: Lecture, alternating times every two weeks
Wednesday: Workshop every week
- Conceptual framework of the course: terminology, time-frame, interconnections and relations between basic terms
- European space of political ideas, concepts and reality changes. Historical overview of most important events, process and phenomenon impairing and shaping new ideas and concepts
- Evolution of the European VALUES catalogue. Where to find the catalogue of VALUES, how the values are defined, how the meaning and understanding of the values is changing, is there a hierarchy in the catalogue – workshop
- The problem of Identity in the contemporary social science discourse: why identity matters when we talk about integration, the value and importance of ideas and concepts for identity (individual and collective)
- PAN EUROPEAN concept of integration: Pan-Europa - International Paneuropean Union: the idea behind Coudenhove-Kalergi's pan-European Union
- CONFEDERAL and FEDERAL concept of integration in Europe
- FUNCTIONAL and NEO FUNCTIONAL concept of integration
- SECURITISATION and European integration
- NATIONALISM – European concept of integration and disintegration
- INTERGOVERNMENTALISM VS. SUPRANATIONALISM in the light of the integration process in Europe
- Conceptual models of integration in European : MULTI SPEED EUROPE, EUROPE A LA CARTA
- Presentation of the possible theoretical framework / frameworks for analysis of ideas and concepts of integration processes
- description and analysis of the dynamic of the of integrations process in European ad the philosophical and academic discourse over it
- analysis of processes and events shaping the ideas and concept of integrations in Europe
- oral examination,
- monitoring attendance and progress on the course subject matter,
Heinrich Best, György Lengyel, and Luca Verzichelli [ed.], The Europe of Elites: A Study into the Europeanness of Europe's Political and Economic Elites, Oxford Scholarship, 2012.
McLaren Lauren M., Identity, Interests and Attitudes to European Integration, Palgrave 2005
Thomas Hörber, The Foundations of Europe: European Integration Ideas in France, Germany and Britain in the 1950s, Forschungen zur Europäischen Integration 2006th Edition.
Glyn Morgan, The Idea of a European Superstate: Public Justification and European Integration, Princeton University Press 2007
Thomas Lane, Marian Wolanski, Poland and European Integration. The Ideas and Movements of Polish Exiles in the West, 1939–91, Palgrave Macmillan 2009.
The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms http://www.echr.coe.int/Documents/Convention_ENG.pdf, Treaty on European Union (Preamble, Title I: Common Provisions, Title II:
Provisions On Democratic Principles ), http://eur-lex.europa.eu/resource.html?uri=cellar:2bf140bf-a3f8-4ab2-b50...
Charter of Fundamental Rights, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/charter/pdf/text_en.pdf
Andrew Moravcsik, Liberal theories of international relations: a primer, Princeton University. 2010, www.princeton.edu/~amoravcs/library/primer.doc
Zsuzsa Csergo and James M. Goldgeier, Nationalist Strategies and European Integration, “Perspectives on Politic”, Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2004 , pp. 21-37.
Vivien A. Schmidt, Democracy in Europe: The Impact of European Integration, “Perspectives on Politic”, Volume 3, Issue 4, December 2005 , pp. 761-779.
Sara Binzer Hobolt, Direct democracy and European integration, “Journal of European Public Policy”, 19 Aug 2006.
Nicolas GRAVEL, What is freedom ? March 2007 (an unpublished version), "Freedom" in Handbook of Economics and Ethics, edited par J. Peil et I. Van Staveren, Edward Edgar Publishing, London, 2009, p. 166-174.
Single Market, Four Freedoms, Sixteen Facts – Economic Effects in the EU, National Board of Trade, May 2015
Steinar Stjernø, The idea of solidarity in Europe, “European Journal of Social Law”, No 3 . September 2011.
Jan Zielonka, Europe as Empire: The Nature of the Enlarged European Union, 2006.
Coman, R., Kostera, T., Tomini, L. (Eds.)Europeanization and European Integration. From Incremental to Structural Change,