Human Security
Theory, Introduction to Global Studies, Contemporary Political Thoughts, Contemporary International Relations Basic knowledge covering issues such as: History of Globalization, Law and State
- Concept of Human Security – definition, methodology and discourse over HS.
- International actors and approaches to HS – Japan, Canada, EU, UN and other.
- Implementation and stakeholders of HS – local, national and regional level.
- Human security and war and conflict.
- Human security and peacebuilding (Responsibillity to Protect)
- Human security and civil protection (natural disasters)
- Human security in diverse contests (gender, peer-to-peer violence, health, food, migration, arms control)
- The future of Human Security.
Student indicates the concept of Human Security as an alternative and broaden part of international and national security. Also student will be familiarized with the discourse and different conceptions of HS. Human security concerns the safety of individuals (but also communities) in everyday life. Students will analyze specific and chosen cases, looking for links between reality and human security theory.
- Active participation in the discussion,
- Preparation of 20- 30 minutes presentation focused on contemporary issues of the selected countries.
- Test – 20 questions
Routladge Handbook of Human Security (2016), ed. M.Martin
Neck L. (2017), National, International, and human Security. A comparative Introdusction,Lanham/Boulder/new York/London
Andersen-Rodgers D., Crawford K.,(2018), Human Security. Theory and Action, Lanham/Boulder/new York/London
Kaldor M. (2007), Human Security, Cambridge
Tadjibaksh S., Chenoy A.M., (2007), Human Security. Concepts and Implications, Routladdge: London and New York.
United Nations Trust Found for Human Security,
Human Security,