First World War 1914-1918

General Information
Number of Hours: 
Wednesday 15:45 - 17:15
Preliminary requirements: 

- Interested  in History of World War I;

- Interested  in theories of war, especially in new historical research about outbreak of  World War I;

- Interested in studies of  new dimensions of  a Total  War 1914-1918;

- Interested in studies in  treaties following World War I

Course Description: 

1. Introduction : Methods of historical analysis;

2. Introduction: International Relations 1900-1914;

3. Introduction of  Theories of War;

4. Advice and organization  of students preparations  and  presentations

5. Management of discussions

Aims of the course: 

New historical facts about  the outbreak of World War I

Political Systems of main states involved in World War I

Conflicting and Common Political  Interests of Powers

Dimensions of a new Total War and War Crimes

Treaties of Brest-Litowsk and Versailles


Ability to historical analysis of  International  Relations

Ability to compare  and qualify Political interests of Powers

Ability to  identify and qualify Dimensions of War and War Crimes

Ability to critical reflection and reconstruction of the past


Learning Responsibility, Tolerance,  Respect of Diversity;

Ability to Teamwork

Teaching methods: 
  1. Introduction and  presentation of  theories of historical analysis
  2. Supervised Seminar with the combination of textanalysis, case studies and Paper- or Powerpoint presentation of students and following discussion
Evaluation & Completion: 
  1. Constant p resence in teaching hours;
  2. Participation in discussions;
  3. Presentation (Paper or Powerpoint) of  one topic of  I.R Studies;Time :20 minutes;
  4. Oral Exam on one topic of I.R.Studies; Time 20 minutes –  Five Questions;
  5. An  Essay on one topic of I.R.Studies (15 pages including front page, index and list of literatur)

Students can decide what they prefer, Oral exam or Essay.

Basic Literature: 

R. J.Adams (Edit) The Great War, 1990

A.Gregory: Last Great War 2008

J.Joll: Origins of First World War 2005

S.McMeekin: Russian Origins of First World War, 2011

J.Winter: The Cambridge History of First World War, 2013