Cultural security. Global aspects, local trends

General Information
Number of Hours: 
Tuesday 11:30 - 13:00
Preliminary requirements: 

Basic knowledge of the contemporary history, world politics, geography and changes in global culture.

Course Description: 
  1. Defining cultural security. Religion, culture and values in International Relations. Security of the state, cultural identity of a country. Role of the culture in global politics, economy and security. Theoretical approach.  
  2. Cultural security and globalization. Cultural globalization, cultural exchange. Global South and Global North. The meaning of collective identity in global culture, cultural adaptation. 
  3. Threats to cultural security. Changes in cultural environment: homogenization of the culture, westernization, modernization, armed conflicts, demography, development, mass tourism, migration. Processes of securitization.  
  4. Protection of cultural goods (material and intangible) and values. Case studies broken down by geographical regions and countries (Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa). 
  5. Evaluation of the course
Aims of the course: 

Students will provide general understanding of the major role of culture in shaping the groups (nations, ethnicities, religions, civilizations) identity. The course will introduce students with a comprehensive understanding of the globalization as a multidimensional process constituted by complex, often contradictory interactions of global, regional, and local aspects of social life. Cultural security is part of the general framework of security of every state, and its inhabitants. The course objective is to present the importance of cultural approach, theoretical background of the concept of the cultural security, cultural conflicts, and social moves against globalization and its power to unify the norms, values and way of life.

Evaluation & Completion: 

- monitoring attendance and progress on the course subject matter, - semester paper (individual or group),
- oral presentation (individual or group),
- preparation and implementation of a project (individual or group)

Preparation of presentation or writing of an essay. Active participation in the discussion.

Basic Literature: 
  1. AppaduraiA.(1996),Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimension of Globalization: University of Minnesota Press.

  2. FreidmanJ.&RanderiaS.(2004),Worlds on the Move: Globalization, Migration and Cultural Security: I.B. Tauris.

  3. Lawrence H.E. and Huntington S.(2001),Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progres: Basic Books.

  4. Buzan B. (2009), People, States, and Fear: the national security problem in international relations: ECPR Press.

  5. Giddens,A.(1990), The Consequences of Modernity,Cambridge.

  6. Hopper,P.(2007), Understanding Cultural Globalization:Polity.

  7. Paku N. Graham D.T. (1998), Redefying Security, Population Movements and National Security: Preager.

  8. TehranianM.(eds.)(1999)WorldsApart:HumanSecurity and Global Governance: I.B. Tauris.

9. BaumanZ.(2016),Strangers at Our Door: Polity.
10.Bourbeau P. (2011), The Securitization of Migration. A study of movement and order: Routledge.

11.Buruma I. and Margalit A. (2005), Occidentalism. The West in the Eyes of Its Enemies: Penguin.

12.Hanson E.O. (2006)., Religion and Politics in the International System Today: Cambridge.

13.Mathews G. (2000), Global Culture/Individual Identity. Searching for Home in the Cultural Supermarket: Routledge.

14. Lewis, B. (1998), The Multiple Identities of the Middle East: Schocken Books. 15.Lu, M. (1983), Confucianism. Its relevance to modern society: Federal Publications.

16. Mcgregor Wise, J. (2008), Cultural Globalization. A User’s Guide, Blackwell Publishing.