Vaccinations for foreign students at the University of Wrocław
Dear Students,
The University of Wrocław collects the declarations of students willing to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Every person who is formally registered as a student of the University of Wrocław and has a university e-mail address in the domain <@uwr.edu.pl> is eligible to sign up. You may do that by fulfilling a declaration here: https://uni.wroc.pl/covid-studenci-uwr/
You will be able to sign up until April 20, 2021, by 23:59.
Please mind, however, that:
- this is just a declaration of will to be vaccinated, rather than signing up for a specific vaccination date. At the moment we do not yet know, when exactly the vaccination of students will start. Of course we will keep you informed as soon as any further information are available.
- students who will declare their wish to be vaccinated by filling in and sending the aforementioned form will be automatically registered for COVID-19 vaccination organized by the University of Wrocław at the moment of starting the formal registration. You will be able to resign from the vaccination later, if you change your mind or find out that the proposed dates are inappropriate for you
- please mind that that the students vaccinations may start after the end of this academic year
- please mind that if you would be vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine in Wrocław, you would also need to be present in Wrocław to receive the second dose. The time between the first and second dose of the vaccine will be 10-12 weeks. Take it into consideration when planing your activities.