International Economic Transactions
Basic knowledge concerning microeconomics and macroeconomics, international economic relations as well as economic policy.
Topic 1. International economic transaction: an introduction
Topic 2. International economic transaction – types and features
Topic 3. Export plan and international marketing
Topic 4. Cultural differences and international business
Topic 5. Legal contract & international transactions – part I
Topic 6. Legal contract & international transactions – part II
Topic 7. International trade customs & rules
Topic 8. Transport and logistics
Topic 9. Transport documents in international transactions
Topic 10. Trade documents in international transaction
Topic 11. Foreign exchange and international transactions
Topic 12. Rick management in international transaction
Topic 13. Finance & payments of international trade – part I
Topic 14. Finance & payments of international trade – part II
Topic 15. Finance for export (short, medium and long)
Topic 1. International business and the global economy - practical analysis
Topic 2. International economic transactions – practical analysis
Topic 3. Export plan - practical analysis
Topic 4. Cultural differences and international business - practical analysis
Topic 5. Legal contract & international transactions - practical analysis
Topic 6. Trade customs & rules - practical analysis
Topic 7. Transport and logistics - practical analysis
Topic 8. Trade documents in international transaction - practical analysis
Topic 9. Foreign exchange and international transactions - practical analysis
Topic 10. Finance & payments of international trade - practical analysis
Student defines main subjects and problems of international economic relations and international business
Student knows all stages connected with preparation, realization and financial settlements of international economic transactions
Student knows basic rules withe reference to the sales contract preparation
Students characterizes financial settlement techniques and sources of financing for international business activity
Student knows international basic international rulet and customs existing in the international business environment
Student effectively looks for business and economic data of international markets and foreign trade partners
Student is able to use appropriate analytical methods to evaluate foreign markets and foreign trade partners
Student is able to use in practice selected international trade rules and customs
Student prepares basic documents for international transactions
Student is capable to effectively negotiate selected international business issues with foreign partners
Student is capable to execute effectively basic transactions with foreign partners
Student is prepared to take rational business decisions and solve selected business problems
Student is able to cooperate in a group executing business tasks
Lectures with multimedia presentations, practical activities, case studies, strategic games and simulations, project, discussions, group tasks, formal tasks
Evaluation components of the practical part includes: presentation (20% of the total number of points), export plan project (60% of the total number of points), class activity (20% of the total number of points).
Exam: test (to pass the exam it is necessary to collect 60% of the total number of points).
Ball, D.A., McCulloch, W.H., Geringer, M.J., Minor, M.S., McNett, J.M., 2007. International Business: the challeng of global competition, McGraw-Hill, International Edition.
Grath, A, 2005. International Trade Finance: the complete guide to risk management, international payments, guarantees, credit insurance and trade finance, The Institute of Export, Peterborough.
Brakman, S., Garretsen H., Marrewijk Ch., 2006. Nations and firms in the global economy, an introduction to international economics and business, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York.
Watson, A., 1998. Finance of International Trade, Financial World Publishing; 5Rev Edition.
Krugman, P., Obstfeld, M., 2006. International Economics: theory and policy, Pearson International Edition.
Pilbeam, K., 2006. International finance, Third Edition, Palgrave MacMillan, New York.
REUTERS, 1999. Foreign Exchange & Money Markets, John Willey & Sons Ltd.
Moosa I.A., 2004. International Finance: an analytical approach, McGraw-Hill, Australia.