European Union in International Relations
Basic knowledge of the: European integration history, legal and institution basis for the EU functioning and international political relations
1. Introduction: Quiz: “What do I know about the EU; Discussion about the expectation and program proposals.
2. Historical evolution of political integration in Europe. From the Council of Europe to European Union. Lecture
3. Europeanization of the Foreign Policy . Theoretical concept or/and real process
4. EU’s foreign policy legal basis, objectives, instruments. Institutionalization of EU foreign policy
5. European External Action Service – EU Diplomatic corps. Legal basis, structure, competencies
6. European Neighbourhood Policy. General overview; philosophy and methodology of work, main directions and goals; Achievements and failures.
7. Eastern Partnership, Northern Dimension, Union for the Mediterranean, Black Sea Synergy
8. UE foreign policy and the Russia-European relations- its political, economic and strategic dimensions
9. European position on the Middle East conflict
10. UE relations with China
11. UE as a global player – multilateral perspective: UE relations with international organization (UN, ASEA, WTO, others....)
12.Evaluation of the course
W1. Student explains the phenomenon of the political integration within the European Communities and then European Union from the historical, chronological perspective
W2. Student understands and is able to exemplify the political, economic and social processes occurring in the European Union nowadays and relate them to the role of the EU in international relations.
W3. Student is able to analyze and evaluate the meaning of the key regional and international factors shaping the EU position in the world politics
W4. Student knows the specific character of EU Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) (legal, institutional and political perspective)
W5. Students is aware about the basic instruments and mechanisms of the CFSP
W6. Student knows basic theoretical conceptualization of the EU as a global actor (supranationalism, intergovernmentalism, Europeanisation)
U1. Student is able to properly operate the main concepts from the theory of international relations and European studies and use them to construct the descriptions of political, economic and social events in Europe and ion the international environment involving European perspective.
U2. Student has the skills to evaluate and describe the role of the European Union in the international politics. Student is able to distinguish and differentiate the political interests of the EU’s member states and the interest of the supranational EU’s institutions.
U3. Student posses the ability to present the complexity of the EU institutional system with special attention given to the EU’s institutions involved in the
U4. Student is able to plan different variants of the socio-political processes in the field of European Neighbourhood Policy and the broadly define external rations of the EU draw up the main methods of dealing with the new dangers and challenges.
K1. Student is qualified to formulate and verify his/her own opinion about the EU as a global actor. student is able to discuss on the advantages and disadvantages of the political integrations processes in the context of EU external relations. Student is able to arrange independently the discussions about the cost and benefits of the EU CFSP for the MS and Neighbourhood area.
K2. Working individually and in a group student can prepare analysis, presentations, papers and reports on a given topic.
K3. Student understands the importance of the knowledge from the field of European studies and international relations for the analysis of political problems of the EU and EU’s member states development and their international activity.
K 4. Student is able to point out what are the factors shaping the UE’s relations with main international actors (US, Russia, China, UN) as well as what is the EU position on important international problems (EU policy towards the Middle East) and does the EU effectively faces advantages like the European energy security.
Seminar, text analysis, discussion, case studies, work in groups, presentation, report, paper.
Passing of a written test.
Preparation of presentation or writing of an essay.
Active participation in the discussion.
The Treaty on European Union:
Title V: General Provisions on The Union’s External Action And Specific Provisions on The Common Foreign And Security Policy; pp.30-40;
The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union:
Title VI Final Provisions, Article 47; p.43.
The Treaty on The Functioning of The European Union: Part V: External Action by the Union; Title III: cooperation with third countries and humanitarian aid; pp. 143-146.
Part V: External Action by the Union; Title V: international agreements; pp.146-149
Part VI: External Action by the Union; Title VI: The Unions relations with international organisations and third countries and unions delegations; p.149.
Part VI: External Action by the Union; Title VI: Solidarity Clause; p.150.
Declaration 13th and 14th concerning the common foreign and security policy, p.345.
COUNCIL DECISION establishing the organisation and functioning of the European External Action Service; Brussels, 20 July 2010; [in]: http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/en/10/st11/st11665-re01.en10.pdf
European Diplomacy Policy Papers:
Paper No.2, http://dseu.lboro.ac.uk/Documents/Policy_Papers/DSEU_Policy_Paper02.pdf
Paper No.10 http://dseu.lboro.ac.uk/Documents/Policy_Papers/DSEU_Policy_Paper10.pdf
Bindi F. (2009),The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe's Role in the World, Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC.
Emerson M., et al. (2011). Upgrading the EU's Role as Global Actor. Institutions, Law and the Restructuring of European Diplomacy. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies.http://ceps.eu/book/upgrading-eus-role-global-actor-institutions-law-andrestructuring- european-diplomacy.
Dyduch J., Michalewska-Pawlak M., Murphy R. [eds.], European Union as an Global Actor. Political integration: identity issues and foreign policy, ASPRA Publishing House, Warsaw.
Recommended on-line sources:
The Centre for European Policy Studies, http://www.ceps.be
Carnegie Europe (Brussels), http://www.carnegieeurope.eu
European Union Institute for Security Studies (Paris) http://www.iss.europa.eu/